Monday, August 16, 2010

How to be a "change agent" in schools

For me, becoming a "change agent" in school is going to involve a lot of risk-taking on my part. I am going to have to let go of my old way of presenting the information to my students and begin presenting my lessons in a more technology geared fashion. Risk-taking is the important part because I have to step out of my comfort zone and create new and exciting ways for students to learn. I know that this will be beneficial to my students in the end and while not every lesson will work as planned, I have to continue to motivate students and engage in ways that speak to them and uses what they are familiar with to reach them.

Being a "change agent" also means getting more people on board to help create this change. This could be done by collaborating with a colleague on a project. I work closely the social studies teacher, but any subject area can be incorporated into English Language Arts. I can create an interdisciplinary project that uses technology for a project. I know for me, if I see how such a project can be done or have help implementing it, I would be more likely to continue such project in the future. It doesn't seem as overwhelming if there is help, especially in the beginning.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reflecting on New Metrics

In my experience of using rubrics I have found that students are more focused on what objectives need to be met.  The only problem I run into with using rubrics is when a student deserves a higher grade than what the rubric score totals.  I try to make adjustments to the rubric so that it is fair and the categories are specific to met the students needs.

Monday, August 2, 2010

21st Century Literacy Skills

I am starting to become more comfortable with the technology that I have learned thus far in the course.  It still seems a bit overwheleming to me since I consider myself a novice at using technology.  I have heard of the different sites and tools, but to actually try to implement them is another story.  I like the idea of posting blogs, but I am a sort of shy person and could not see myself posting all the time which is why I don't use Twitter and I have a facebook, but mainly to keep in touch with friends and family every once in a while.  I do not constantly update my status.
I do plan on using the some of the tools that I have learned with this course in my classroom.  I think the students would find the change invigorating and engaging.
 I am taking another course where we are also required to use the class blog to post our comments, so I see this is the way of the future and I can practice it here before I begin the course.

Commenting on other blogs

I was able to review one website and post a comment.  For me, posting on a site I wanted to make sure I examined it thoroughly and really understood the purpose of the site.